When you practice your Yoga

Yoga suitable for your body type. Body movement that is suitable for your breath. When you move at your
speed. When you pause between breaths for your choice. When you relax as the whole body. And connect
to the heart centre there is a personal unique intimacy.

Copying alignments looking for perfection in poses when it is already present, troubling the body and
mind trying to keep up. These things are not yoga.

A little effort, no struggle.

Soft face, soft joints.

The breath leading the way.

Challenge the brand, the logos, the styles, stand in your own Samasthiti . Connect, body, mind, breath.
There is a receiving and a giving that is very intimate. Can you watch your breath and softly smile? It is a
lovely pleasure. Feel content with your own life giving breath with the strength and connection that is you.

A breath unique to you in a body, unique to you, here and now with a mind unique to you. Body, breath,
and mind are three components of yoga, unique to you. So why would you do some cookie cut prescribed
for all yoga class. So if you can see the logic of having a personal Yoga practice that is your Yoga practice,
that is simple safe and then have a go. And be sure to include the principles of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.

Where to?

You could start by taking a moment to enjoy that Samasthiti that still place, a place of balance.
Then move and breathe with the breath.

4 breaths, building capacity between the expanding chest with the inhalation and the belly coming in and
up on exhalation.

Then once you have a full and comfortable inhalation and exhalation with a wee pause in between the 4

Now lengthen the retention. Do this for a few breaths.

Then decrease the retention.

Riding four full breaths back to your normal breathing.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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