Your desires

From this point forward, except for a few intense weeks, most of your desires will merge within the tempest of thoughts swirling in the electric cloud of your mind and body. As time passes, when contemplating your specific path, the recent actions you’ve taken will exert greater influence.

The time you devote to practice, to simply being present and observing your breath, allowing the mind to rest for a few moments, watching the inhalation and exhalation—these simple acts nurture your desires and guide your direction.

Imagine a dragonfly gracefully hovering in the wind, inhaling as it faces the breeze, then making a smooth u-turn to fly with the wind, exhaling with purpose and length. The change in direction comes with a pause in the breath. The dragonfly appears composed and in control.

Week after week, your practice will help shape the intentions and contentment levels in your life. The true bonus lies in the connection to the breath, whether in your peaceful actions, your artistic pursuits, or even in mundane tasks like carrying water.

Embrace that connection, coupled with patience, knowing that change is an inherent part of the human condition.

Being fully present with the breath and the movements of your body, embodying each task you undertake, you energize the generator of love within you—the prana—setting the lymph flowing.

There is only now; do not waste your time dwelling on idle thoughts. Your practice, tailored to your unique body and mind, involving movement synchronized with the breath, will kindle desires for goodness and guide you on your personal journey.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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