The first step

To begin and practice your Yoga, many people stall and delay until eventually your Yoga practice does not happen and there are many reasons including: 1. Its too difficult, 2. You don’t know what to do, 3. It is unchartered territory and that fear can build on the self judgement.

Perhaps the reason for not practicing is as simple as “You don’t feel like it” and if you miss today then there is no loss and where is the time?

But You miss out on connection with the self, breath and the power of the cosmos.

Your Yoga can be done daily and it can be done naturally without being all-consuming.

Your practice can be very simple and still highly beneficial. 

Your practice can be very short and still highly beneficial.

Your practice can be very passive and still highly beneficial.

Your practice can be with stronger inhalation in the morning or more awareness on the exhalation in the evening, this is beneficial.

Your practice is your practice if you are moving, connecting to the breath, and noticing the four parts of the breath ( inhalation, exhalation and pauses in-between), connecting to the heart centre, soft, receptive, with strength then you are doing your Yoga.

Lao Tzu said. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

And that first step may be the step you take to do your practice today without pressure from yourself or the outside world, or it maybe the first step of greater investigation of a particular aspect of the Yoga principles.

Part of the fear that keeps us away from practice, is the fear of both success and failure. By opening ourselves to, self-criticism and self-improvement which are both detrimental to the journey to self-acceptance.

However small that first step is, share your Yoga with yourself and feel it growing. 

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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