The peoples’ practice.

How can a practice be of, by and for the people?

Well, it would have to have common features available to everyone. It would have to be advantageous to practice. It would have to be relatable. The practice for everyone would have to cross all boundaries of age, culture, financial ability and time.

As we experience life, each person, each personality, everybody, every mind is different. So the practice, your practice that will give you freedom needs to be accessible to us all. Involving devices that are free, available, possible and convenient to everyone. Able to be slotted in at convenient times.

Thus the people’s practice is to watch the breath. The inhalation, the exhalation and the pauses in between.

Thus the people’s practice is to connect to your movement with the breath. The calm and alert, body and mind.

Thus the peoples’ practice is to coalesce your heart centre. A bridge where connection to, whatever you want to call it, the pranas, the chi, the life force of the sacred heart is available to all.

And this will create intimacy. This will calm the system, both the body and the mind.

The breath and the heart is what unites us with our selves and with the planet.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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