Short-form, long-form, fast form.

Do you really have to put all that work in to learn all the forms, to understand all the intricacies? Isn’t there a pill or a program to download like Neo in the Matrix? Although it may seem ideal, whenever ideal pops up, the flipside is all too easily forgotten about.

Short cuts can mean loss of scenery, and without that detail, there is perhaps less wisdom or experience. A quick fix often doesn’t last. So expect the long haul to do the work to understand Taiji. Don’t worry about if you enjoy it at first because you may not, but you may like it soon enough, as long as you are curious and open.

The Taiji track is a very interesting one with picturesque views and experiences for body and mind. Learning Tai chi forms can be frustrating and elating and at the same time you can laugh aloud with frustration when learning Taiji forms and that is part of the lure.

There is a bubbling of unknown, with a unique familiarity and there is an internal game, with teasing. And with effort, you feel more relaxed.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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