Effort has value

To unroll your mat and bang out your Yoga takes effort.

It is easily replaced with a trip to the studio or a sandwich or a sleep-in. The ego can quite easily maintain its damaged image with the false self and works well with doubt and fear, especially when society continuously waves a false carrot on a stick.

Yoga, “your yoga” involves the breath, body, and mind. The asana, pranayama, and meditation that is right for you. Yoga involves no pain, perhaps awareness and definitely intimacy.

It is marvelous how the breath can create balance and personal understanding of the Self. A comprehension that it is a present to yourself, from yourself.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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