Cracticus Tibicen

At the moment there are magpies nesting.

The nest-building has proven to be perfect, staying secure in the strong winds. There was no caution when the nest building was taking place and little was invested. Soon the eggs were laid and the goings to and from the nest continued without much hesitancy.

Now there are eggs or chicks in the nest. And with an understanding of what is at stake, great caution and investigation takes place in the lower branches before re-entering the nest. There is mindful protection of the sanctuary, habits of previous efforts, both from evolution through previous lifetimes and refinement of more recent work, gives success the greatest chance.

And every morning tucked away in her nest, the hen warbles to the sunrise, a delightful sound, a call to identify her personality, a call to the morning, a great song of joy.

The hen’s nurturing force is receptive with great care receiving the eggs that are within her, and the chicks and new life that are within them. The cock protects the nest with strength. Together they do the job.

They don’t always get the nest position or construction right, sometimes it all falls from the top of the tree. They don’t always get the timing right and the weather turns foul, and sometimes shit happens and the eggs and chicks perish.

But to give success the greatest chance some things are certain:

They make an effort! Even when it all seems lost.

They work together! Beyond their species.

They always call and warble to the morning and the evening! Even when the weather is not to their liking.

And when it is right. Wow.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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