Yoga is like coffee.

Sometimes excellent sometimes not.

Even when it is bad you will still come back for more.

It is reciprocal, taking and giving energy.

There are many types and you have a favorite that may change with time.

Its fluid.

It’s been manipulated, deluded, over commercialised, but those that have tasted the true essence, appreciate the simplicity of the real Mc Coy.

Real Yoga and real coffee is the one that is right for you.

They both Incorporate relationship, either alone or with others.

Yoga and coffee are calming and energising.

And even with the distortions of modern influence, there is a taste of the ancient tradition, can you feel it? Even just a little bit?

And when you get the good stuff it makes you understand why you enjoy it so.

So if 10 minutes of coffee is a daily ritual, giving you contentment then adding 10 minutes of mindful breathing will amplify that effect.

I will prove it.

Inhale fully for 4 seconds. Be aware of the chest expanding

Exhale fully for 4 seconds. Notice the belly contract. And do that 4 times.

ThenInhale fully for 4 seconds and hold that inhalation for 2 seconds.

Exhale fully for 4 seconds and hold that exhalation for 2 seconds.

Then we land by

Inhaling fully for 4 seconds.

Exhaling fully for 4 seconds. And do that 4 times.

Smile, drink some water and notice the calm alertness.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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