Simple integer appreciation.

We have our breath.

And there is no guarantee we will have it forever, I don’t mean to be alarmist but the facts are in, and one day we will not have our breath. Even after difficult times, we will die. And that’s challenging, but we have our unique things that give us solace in these challenging times, our gardening, our play, our bird watching, our yoga, or running or cooking, cleaning, caring, the thing that makes you feel unique and good, when you are able to feel it and fill our vessel, we fulfill ourselves, then things become more joyful. And if you use your breath, if you breath more consciously you will have more consciousness.

And when we incorporate the body and breath into that thing that gives you joy and our relationships, to our families and communities, our connection to land and ourselves, these things give us intimacy with life. We are all different and that personal slant on life is what adds to the dynamics of existence. Life is dynamic and it’s good to feel we are part of that.

An exercise to tap into this is to smile.

First close your eyes.

Consciously breath deeply.

Inhale for four seconds and take the head softly back, then exhale for four seconds as we bow our head, continue to smile as you take your awareness with loving kindness to the heart and allow that awareness to become an intention of deep appreciation of your uniqueness .

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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