The limbs of a eucalypt tree.

It may be the same for many trees. But it is certainly true of these ancient living beings. There are two types of branches, they either grow out and survive for seasons or years or they reach out and fall off.

The strongest branches sway and survive the heavy winds. With twisted shapes, they grow and provide photosynthesis, through their green chlorophyll leaves they absorb the energy from the sun and also help collect carbon dioxide And some water (but water collection is nearly all done through the roots). And this is converted into sugars- tree food.

The new branches grow boldly and adjust daily by twisting and turning to capture that sunlight. Day in day out they reach for the stars or our star. These trees are constantly testing themselves to what it knows and what it can do. These branches that constantly test their environment are the reason the eucalypt is so successful as a tree.

These trees do difficult work all the time. They build and grow branches knowing they will fail and fall. Eucalypts always have branches that are dead poking out past the edges of the canopy. Growing past the known sway limits. Exploring the outer edges where the wind blows unhindered.

The tree fearlessly extends into the unknown using its tree knowledge that has been passed down from its ancestors using the knowledge that has been keenly investigated to create growth and greater understanding of its environment. Many fallen branches create hollows in the trees for parrots to nest in and raise a family. What a lovely advantage of failure.

The large substantial branches allow survival today. But the real growth, the interesting and important work comes from the branches out on the edge.

We are more flexible trees, physically and emotionally we can comprehend our limits, testing without such a sacrifice as to loose limbs. But when you practice your guitar playing your running, cooking, loving can sometimes be vibrant out past the safety where the wind blows unhindered.

For Taiji it maybe time spent practicing the other direction/side.

For Yoga, it may be more concentration at the heart centre.

For body awareness, it may be attempting a new exercise.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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