
We’ve all felt it, with all the good intentions we set up for our practice, standing at the front of your mat, staring at a blank canvas, picking up the guitar and very little happens; that moment can be all confusing, confronting, awesome in a way that does not get us moving and breathing, creating, connecting.

Our practice, a blank canvas, a single yoga mat, a silent guitar is a daunting thing. But we can flick the switch to do what we set out to achieve, so.

Here are some things that we can do to gain some momentum. 

Focus on one aspect of our practice- the breath is always a winner. This will help with being present.

Question our practice with a complex question, this will set us up for investigation, ironically, with a simple answer.

Then, let distractions come and let them go then.

Don’t get too caught on the details, remember a simple practice is often just what is needed. 

Appreciate our individuality, that we are having this experience that this is our practice and distractions, they will pass.

And like the concept of Wuji in tajiji this time before we practice is a great time to return to ones nature.

Listen to our Self, not the chatter that’s our mind chattering, deeply listen, feel the direction you want to go in, go to the heart centre.

And like the great Beatles song let it be, be positive in your reflections of your challenge, it is magical.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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