Accepted imperfection becomes perfection.

It is helpful to love ourselves and others without judging if we deserve love. 
But its not that easy for things to be so clean cut, we can beare quick to make judgments, however that doesn’t need to last. When we are clear minded, aware of reflections and us as one in the world we can alchemise a restrictive situation and find ease.

Breathe in and fill the chest, use your hands to help fill the back and the sides as well as the front of the ribs.

Notice the pause, 

Breathe out, feel the belly coming in from the base.

Notice the pause

Breathe in fill the chest for the count of five or more. Allow yourself to feel and receive the perfection, something, perfect. Smile, pause.

Beetle out for the count of five or more, the belly coming in and up. The perfection, allow it to grow stronger. Pause, smile.

 And repeat. Or back to normal breathing.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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