Do something kind,

For our beloved.

Can we do something kind every day?

Kind for our Self.

Being kind to your friends and family every day is even a challenge for some, and when we get past that challenge or needs are closer to being met. 

What of those you don’t know, who are different from you, those not even from the same culture or creed or the same species, are you able to do something kind for those every day.

Being kind does not allow us to be anxious, thinking about being kind may make you feel anxious but the action of kindness will reduce stress. 

But best not to do kindness with a desire for return.

Look at yourself through a distorted window and be kind.

Being kind with our thoughts leads to kind actions, 

Kindness will make our dopamine fire making us feel good and that is good for us.

We all like kindness so its a win win win.

Loving kindness through your practice, loving kindness through the breath, loving kindness through the body, and loving kindness through the mind will give us loving kindness in our relationships. 

After the next inhalation 

Watch the exhalation allow stress and anxiety to leave the body.

Sit with that retention and feel a smile at the corners of your mouth.

Then inhale fully and think about the heart centre full of loving kindness, close the eyes and sit with the full breath and allow yourself to feel the loving kindness be received, notice the pause and then exhale.

Inhale loving kindness.

Exhale nourish that feeling of being kind.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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