Cosmic Symphony of Nature

The beauty of the landscape, with the flowing stream that gurgles clean prana to reach water that has been spiraled and pushed, dragged along by gravity from below the ground and down from the heavens.

There is prana in the sound of the cicadas and the gurgling of the creek, where it is possible to drift away to a calm and energised feeling just with the sound.

Under the water opening your eyes cleans them even though blurry, the bubbles below the surf are placed to appreciate the moment in the natural beautiful fabric of existence we are deeply connected through all our senses to the unrecognised and often ignored parts of our existence.

And it looks so real. And it feels so real. And it smells and taste so real. And it sounds beyond the gurgling. But intrinsically there are waves of frequency and dimension beyond our perception. The connection deeper beyond even our cells, the part of existence that is the cosmos and too close for your eyes.

If you overthink it you cannot feel it but close your eyes and once at the basic level you are part of this and there is familiarity.

Breathing through the nose for the inhalation and the exhalation.

Inhale and sense the intimate connection to all things in this physical world. Smile and pause.

Exhale and sense that strength of connection to all the things in the physical world. Pause and smile.

Inhale, and connect deeply to the self in the heart centre, as the individual connected to the whole body. Pause with a smile.

Exhale, and connect deeply to the strength and Intimacy of the heart centre. Pause and smile.

Now with the next inhalation and exhalation with eyes closed, the biggest inhale and biggest exhale, through the heart centre connect to the frequency of life, of course with a big smile.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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