We could write volumes about how little we know.

We move through our daily lives comprehending next to nothing of our breath. And if we were to go through life extending that ignorance to all aspects of our life that would be better than good. But we don’t, we wander around thinking we are so smart, when we could write volumes about how little we know.

Especially when it comes to our breath. We give little to no attention to this very personal function that gives us life and keeps us alive and functioning, with inspiration and energy.

Our ignorance extends so far that we seem to give this most important actions little appreciation or thought of its effect on our mind, body, and energy. However, we can easily be with the breath, love the breath, and intimately connect to the breath, to connect to our Self.

The breathing process is responsible for and immediately links, changes and integrates all 11 of the 11 systems of our body; the circulatory system, blood. Digestive system. Endocrine system, glands. Exocrine system, lymphatic system, Muscular system, Nervous system, sences, and respiratory system, all effectected by the breath.

Skeletal system too, yes each breath changes the structure of the skeleton in particular the skull. More for an article but the book breath by James Nestor, wow he measures significant bone structure change, with change of his breath. Do yourself a friendly and check out his book.

There maybe a lot to learn and there has probably been a lot forgotten but what we can say is our breathing is controlled by the central = nervous system but the breath is also part of the peripheral – nervous system, originating in the brain, sitting right at the top of our spine. So what does that mean? The breath is most intimately connected to the senses foremost.

Geez what am I trying to say, this needs an article but science has shown, the inhallation enhances the sympathetic nervous system, and activates the body. The emphasis on exhalation enhances the parasympathetic nervous system, and that relaxes and calms the body.

I use the word system to incorporate the whole body as the body, the physical, emotional, energetic and mental body are all integrated by the breath and can be enhanced for general well-being. building the bridge to help us intimately connect to our Self.

With a smile, inhale through the nose into the chest, feel the physical body, the whole physical body energising. Exhale, then the belly comes in towards the spine, feel the physical body as the whole physical body relaxing and calming. Pause.

With a smile, inhale mouth closed, into the chest, feel the emotional body energising. Notice the pause, exhale the belly comes into the spine, feel the emotional body relaxing and calming. Pause.

Then with a smile inhale to the heart centre, feel the heart centre energising. Notice the pause stay with that inhalation, pause. Then exhale and stay with the heart centre and feel the whole body relaxing and calming, the whole body as the body. Pause with a smile and close your eyes for a wee bit.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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