AI Yoga Instructors, Before We Know It

And there is a chance AI will know all the poses and their variations, even knowing the spelling of their Sanskrit name, all this possibly better than a modern yoga teacher, having all the sequences, mantras, even printing, the yantras, perfectly.
But AI won’t have true empathy or be able to individualise a practice for each person giving the right Yoga practice that is ideal for each individual.
And AI will not know the breath nor the heart Centre.
To merge, the source and the seen is a personal journey, needing a personal practice. One you naturally go to daily.
A practice that integrates, breath, movement, asana, pranayama, and meditation as a seamless process.
So the information is available but it needs to be from a good teacher; one who, practices themselves, and teaches the original principles, and cares.

So when you do this, following breathing exercise, think of how it best serves you, the length of the inhalation, and the exhalation, the retentions, all adapted for you.
Take a moment, smile into the whole body, then.

Inhale, the chest feels receive, your whole body, power of the Cosmos, hold it, feel it, that oneness. Exhale, the belly comes back towards the spine and up strength, hold it, smile in the knowledge of that strength. Again, inhale receive pause. Exhale, strengthen, pause. And one more time with a smile for the whole body.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 141

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