Authentic Yoga

The most challenging thing about being a Yoga teacher is not to give people their movement with their breath according to their body, but people believing they are not flexible enough. There is somewhere for everyone to start. This Yoga is a lot about breath, and the movements come from there.

Or a bigger problem is people who have had some experience with some derivative, so they believe that’s what it is when generally the ancient principles are not there.

We have invested in it so it can be difficult to change, but good to investigate..

Integration of the original principles of Krishnamacharya in whatever form of Yoga is what makes it Yoga . But it is understandable, people feel like they need to put their derivatives on it and the whole thing gets diluted and lost. People still feel better because of some connection to source but lasting depth and intimacy needs the principles.

Your intention can drive your practice. Gardening, art, walking, cooking, raising, your intention whilst in practice.

Your Yoga is key to intimacy so incorporating simple and powerful methods into your practice will give intimacy. Things like enveloping the movement with the breath and inhale as receptivity and exhale as strength. And letting go of trying to get somewhere at least on a spiritual level no one realize by continuing to search. The investigations are a byproduct.

The force of resistance is cunning. It devises numerous excuses to remain stagnant, to not having your own personal practice, crafting stories about, oh I’m not flexible enough or other cultural norms to justify not investigating Your Yoga.

It’s time for your own authentic Yoga. Your own practice you can go to.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 141

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