Patrick Ryan

Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Cracticus Tibicen

At the moment there are magpies nesting. The nest-building has proven to be perfect, staying secure in the strong winds. There was no caution when the nest building was taking place and little was invested. Soon the eggs were laid…

It’s a gift.

And it should not be taken for granted. That type of entitlement will bring anyone undone. It is all a gift to which we can be connected. through: Our breath. Our movement. Our energies. Our mind. Our body. Our relationships.…

With Taichi

A thing is true with the embodiment of the pose, being aware of the waves and changes, firstly within the body, controlling; relaxation and concentration., expansion and contraction, feeling the body going from hard to soft with waves traveling from…

Creating a practice.

First, we started somewhere, usually with a teacher, friend, an experienced instructor or all three of them. We probably started with the end in sight and for whatever reason, our desire to connect, or wanting to get fit, wanting to…

Never apologise, never explain.

For people in positions of power, to have a slogan like this is ridiculous. Acknowledging a mistake creates trust and connection, allowing the opportunity to move on in the chosen direction. There is a limit though, as you don’t want…

Effort has value

To unroll your mat and bang out your Yoga takes effort. It is easily replaced with a trip to the studio or a sandwich or a sleep-in. The ego can quite easily maintain its damaged image with the false self…

Rare things of value.

You rarely have to think about your breath. It’s a rare thing to watch your breath. We do our thing without thinking about our primary function. And when we do watch our breath, our primary function becomes easier. Then once…

Short-form, long-form, fast form.

Do you really have to put all that work in to learn all the forms, to understand all the intricacies? Isn’t there a pill or a program to download like Neo in the Matrix? Although it may seem ideal, whenever…

Light thoughts, no Judgement.

It’s a nice way to walk through the day. And it is easier to achieve this promising path by watching the breath. And although watching the breath with light thoughts and no judgment is a nice reflection, it’s not always…