Patrick Ryan

Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Your Yoga is not the principles

But the principles make your Yoga. It is important to remember that although the principles of connecting to the breath and embracing intimacy are your personal connection, they are still not it. Your action, your personal connection to the principles,…

Tai chi will energise your health.

Tai chi or Taiji, does this by improving blood, breath, and lymph circulation. And the flow of Qi. All these things build your immune system, to prevent illness. Tai chi is also a good system of self-protection, giving you the…

As you practice

Acknowledge distractions and then let them drift away without judgement. Make things easier with a smile. Do the movements with the breath.  Have the knees slightly bent with a slight outward intention towards the feet. Use props tools or the…

Sexy leg stretches

Are for everyone as long as you go gently. Are for everyone and will create long strong legs and strengthen the pelvic basin. These highly relaxing and nerve-releasing exercises are some of the best movements you can do to counter…

Like reflections

The swirls in the water come from below, pushing onto the surface of the water. They make little circular discs that travel smoothly down the thirty metre wide river. Bigger ones drift and swirl faster, which shows the different speeds…

1 2 3 2 1

We are much busier than we were in1961, that is theoretically two generations ago. Today there is much more information to remember from our lives, passive and active bombardment of more information about everything. Geez. Everything from food, music, relationships…

The first step

To begin and practice your Yoga, many people stall and delay until eventually your Yoga practice does not happen and there are many reasons including: 1. Its too difficult, 2. You don’t know what to do, 3. It is unchartered…

Breath indeed

The breath gives clarity to our understanding of the movement. That focus on the breath allows participation in the movement to feel that it is part of you and you are part of the breath. The movement of the body…

That is Taiji

Concentrate, contract and relax. this is Taiji. Stand and just push into the floor, lean into one side, feel the pressure on that part of the body with ones foot or the buttox but this pressure is not on the…

Got weeds

A friend of mine who is a biodynamic farmer on a small scale, which means he creates healthy soil with composting and multiple crop rotation (there is more to it but you get the idea). An organic farmer, with various…