Patrick Ryan

Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

To begin

Go to the breath. Acknowledge the journey you are about to go on, what it is you are about to do. Feel the weight of your body on your foundations. The weight of the buttocks on the seat or the…

Lifting things up

We all lift things up, then put them down, we have done this automatically since the time began. It’s one of the first things and most common things we do. In our relationships, we also lift people up, through support…

Quality gift

If you consider your personal practice as a gift, it’s better to engage in the right practice rather than settling for a mediocre version, even if it means practicing for a shorter duration. You will feel better when you give…

Close to the edge

Standing at the edge of a cliff can make you nervous. Even when you are six feet from the edge, you can feel scared as if you could fall for no good reason. Connecting to the heart center can be…

Subtle awareness of the breath

In the Tai Chi form, being aware of the body’s movements and combining them with the breath creates a seamless transition from one posture to the next. While the breath doesn’t need to dominate the Taiji form, similar to yoga,…

Attitude and intuition

Unless your Spidey senses are highly tuned, it can be challenging to know if your intuition is correct. Or unless you are the Incredible Hulk, where your attitude becomes evident. Intuition relies on a strong gut feeling to discern whether…

You can be inspired today

If you are feeling slightly exposed and more vulnerable than usual, then allow yourself to be sensitive to how you are feeling. Soften into that vulnerability with the inhalation. Be with your exhalation for longer, this will give you strength.…

Men you will not win

There is no game, battle, even competition, perhaps unless with yourself. But men you will not win if you continue to fight with the world and yourself. And you especially won’t win against women, surrender is the only path to…

The Taiji movement

When done with concentration, Taiji can focus on many things: the body, mind, forces, and more. There is a connection and overlapping flow of information, such as muscle control through alignment and familiarity, which works with the forces that move…