Patrick Ryan

Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Authentic Yoga

The most challenging thing about being a Yoga teacher is not to give people their movement with their breath according to their body, but people believing they are not flexible enough. There is somewhere for everyone to start. This Yoga…

Do you practice Yoga?

Yoga classes often invite comparison, whether with fellow students, teachers, or even oneself. During these moments, the mind can become a demanding master. It’s wiser to let the breath guide the mind, anchoring you in the present moment. Remember, being…

The Harmony of Brahmana and Langhana Practices

The Brahmana and Langhana practices in asana and pranayama represent distinctive approaches to the breath, each carrying its unique qualities and effects on our physical, energetic, and mental state. Brahmana, characterized by longer inhalation and retention after inhalation, serves as…

The heart can keep us going

Something makes us start. The starter’s gun, the bell, a slammed door, a feeling, a vision, an epiphany, self talk, or other’s talk. Sometimes, it is planned other times, It takes us by surprise. What makes us start is maybe…

Combine to create difference

It is good to do the different thing combined with the usual thing. being mindful of the body and the senses when working, if you are running then watching the breath, whilst walking combine chanting, not just wondering and pondering.…

The ground absorbs the nurturing force.

The rain falls into the targets of the puddles. Your practice knows when you have been away and it’s not always bad because your practice will call to you, which is a lovely sign of knowing. Knowing your practice is…