Patrick Ryan

Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Breaths of capacity

Our bodies as a living, breathing, moving, thinking, lover, artist, and naturally good person, has evolved from all our ancestors. All of our ancestors breaths, actions, food, sleep, and breading. But most of who we are is from our breath. Everything…

Advance Australia fair.

What a wonderful name and line of the Australian anthem. Quite literally progress together now, equality for all. Culture is not nationalism. for if it was the Australian culture it would be in our heart and action, instead of more…

Free to breathe in five.

Four, three, two, one.When we notice that pause we are in the moment when we go without we go within. Then access the inhalation by taking your breath to the expansion of the chest, smile, and receive without inhalation. Receive…

Change takes practice.

Practice creates new samskaras and habits. And these changes to habits and samskaras make your practice easier, more efficient, accurate and intimate, especially when you incorporate the breath. You cannot expect to be a great cricketer if you can simply…

Preliminary to practice.

In your practice, at the beginning, the very beginning when you are thinking about your jog you are standing at the front of your mat, you are mostly naked ready to swim your laps. It is then we have time…

The two types of practice.

We can practice so diligently that we feel, we will always be practicing because of our practice we have resistance and confirmation that will carry us through challenging phases. And sometimes when we have an external break we feel we…


We’ve all felt it, with all the good intentions we set up for our practice, standing at the front of your mat, staring at a blank canvas, picking up the guitar and very little happens; that moment can be all…

Your own personal practice.

Is strong and has roots connecting you to the self, relationships, the planet, the cosmos, roots that are deeper than you think. Can you give you peace from the challenges of the day. Can be challenging to start but take…

The painted ocean.

Broad strokes create different general tones to the surface. Colours from the clouds, the wind, various depths of the water, the type of water combined with the sunlight create the different colours we see on this mysterious body of water.…

Why breathe better?

Take a deep breath. It is a self inflicted pleasure. A good breath is in-spiring to your beliefs. A good breath causes better health. After cardio exercise, we recover better with deep breaths. Acidosis creates sore muscles and deep breathing…