My rant about ancient body technologies and how they can empower the modern world.
Dark billowing clouds are exquisite.
The power of positive thinking without fail leaves some room in your heart for hope and confidence. And on the
Don’t be a stick in the mud
Cause it is really quite stuck. New opportunities, new processes, new information are available with perseverance. It takes perseverance to
Doing the pretzel
Upside-down, back to front, limbs intertwined, holding poses until they hurt. If that’s what you do then, I am happy
This gets me closeness
If you use the mind to integrate the breath and the movement, it will help connect to yourself and your
Substitute and still genuine.
A dear friend of mine is a great cook. Combining the right vegetables and spices at the right time often
Your Yoga is not the principles
But the principles make your Yoga. It is important to remember that although the principles of connecting to the breath
Tai chi will energise your health.
Tai chi or Taiji, does this by improving blood, breath, and lymph circulation. And the flow of Qi. All these
As you practice
Acknowledge distractions and then let them drift away without judgement. Make things easier with a smile. Do the movements with
Sexy leg stretches
Are for everyone as long as you go gently. Are for everyone and will create long strong legs and strengthen
Like reflections
The swirls in the water come from below, pushing onto the surface of the water. They make little circular discs
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