My rant about ancient body technologies and how they can empower the modern world.
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We are much busier than we were in1961, that is theoretically two generations ago. Today there is much more information
The first step
To begin and practice your Yoga, many people stall and delay until eventually your Yoga practice does not happen and
Breath indeed
The breath gives clarity to our understanding of the movement. That focus on the breath allows participation in the movement
That is Taiji
Concentrate, contract and relax. this is Taiji. Stand and just push into the floor, lean into one side, feel the
Got weeds
A friend of mine who is a biodynamic farmer on a small scale, which means he creates healthy soil with
To begin
Go to the breath. Acknowledge the journey you are about to go on, what it is you are about to
Lifting things up
We all lift things up, then put them down, we have done this automatically since the time began. It’s one
Quality gift
If you consider your personal practice as a gift, it’s better to engage in the right practice rather than settling
Close to the edge
Standing at the edge of a cliff can make you nervous. Even when you are six feet from the edge,
Subtle awareness of the breath
In the Tai Chi form, being aware of the body’s movements and combining them with the breath creates a seamless
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