My rant about ancient body technologies and how they can empower the modern world.
Attitude and intuition
Unless your Spidey senses are highly tuned, it can be challenging to know if your intuition is correct. Or unless
You can be inspired today
If you are feeling slightly exposed and more vulnerable than usual, then allow yourself to be sensitive to how you
Men you will not win
There is no game, battle, even competition, perhaps unless with yourself. But men you will not win if you continue
Out in the distance.
The mind distractions can be transferred to the more useful place of nature, through the breath and reaction. Steadily the
The Taiji movement
When done with concentration, Taiji can focus on many things: the body, mind, forces, and more. There is a connection
Some binds create freedom
If you ask most people to work with Jalandhara Bandha, then Uddiyana Bandha and then Mula Bandha in both asana
Your practice is cheaper and safer
When you do a lousy yoga class, the type that can injure you. You know about it because your agitated
Better breathing
Better breathing will make you healthy. Better breathing is through your nose. Better breathing expands your chest. Better breathing gives
Your desires
From this point forward, except for a few intense weeks, most of your desires will merge within the tempest of
Your memories
In the not-so-distant future, unless something extraordinary occurs during the week, most of our memories will blend into the vast
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