My rant about ancient body technologies and how they can empower the modern world.
The two types of practice.
We can practice so diligently that we feel, we will always be practicing because of our practice we have resistance
We’ve all felt it, with all the good intentions we set up for our practice, standing at the front of
Your own personal practice.
Is strong and has roots connecting you to the self, relationships, the planet, the cosmos, roots that are deeper than
The painted ocean.
Broad strokes create different general tones to the surface. Colours from the clouds, the wind, various depths of the water,
Why breathe better?
Take a deep breath. It is a self inflicted pleasure. A good breath is in-spiring to your beliefs. A good
The limbs of a eucalypt tree.
It may be the same for many trees. But it is certainly true of these ancient living beings. There are
The rising sun has purpose.
The elements of the morning are beautiful as the planet rotates and brings the warmth of the grand fire in
Starting Yoga.
Here’s how to start. Yoga for beginners and experienced. Here are five yoga tips for everybody. One: Focus on the
There is nothing to gain but Self intimacy, and relationship.
Refuse to believe you need to be anything more than You, we cannot find what we continuously search for. Breathing
Snakes and ladders
In Taiji sometimes because of the accuracy and self-analysis involved it is easy to think that your practice is either
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