My rant about ancient body technologies and how they can empower the modern world.
Asana; shavasana, pranayama.
Asana when combined with the principles of Krishnamacharya will relax the body, and pranayama will relax the mind. Being patient
Breathing into the breath.
Even when we think we understand one of the most important principles of Yoga, that; the movement of the body
Yoga courses Intro
Yoga; body, breath and movement, to create intimacy and connection. Valuable lessons to get to the heart, the thridhya, to
As free as a bird
The day was starting beautifully with no wind and a slight mist around the hills, the birds were very excited.
The importance of the silver lining.
The rising sun shoots golden rays directly to us. From the source that gives us life, provides beauty, we see
Ooom where your heart is.
After you have asanaed and rested. Sit comfortably. Inhale and exhale naturally for 4 breaths Then inhale, and then bring
More than just your middle finger
Our middle finger, lets look at it, circle it around, and push through it from the knuckle, see how it
It may not be that difficult.
We all have the breath. Not everyone notices the most important things that keep us alive; breathing, drinking and eating,
Watch yourself!
It can be a threatening imposing statement, often meaning you better change your behavior. We are such fraidy-cats about change
Notice the pause.
The breath can be paused. The mind can be paused. The pause can be lengthed. Pause the judgment. Pause the
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