Category Yoga

The thunder can be unexpected

The rain it comes with excitement, our bodies feel it especially when it has been a while. If we break from our practice there is excitement to get back into it. And when there is thunder it is more exciting,…

I would like to try asana Yoga.

If you were in most parts of the world 100 years ago, it would have been a month of research, organisation, and travel to be told about Adho Mukha Savasana. 50 years ago, it would have been much easier with…

Cosmic Symphony of Nature

The beauty of the landscape, with the flowing stream that gurgles clean prana to reach water that has been spiraled and pushed, dragged along by gravity from below the ground and down from the heavens. There is prana in the…

Accept Perfect for it to be Perfect

Our practice, our body, our breath, and our mind are all unique to the individual. And when we have the appropriate information and teachings we can personalise our practice and with a little acceptance there is perfection. But as soon…

A strong practice 

For each of us it is different, we could be into a lot of exertion and breaking a sweat, going that extra mile. A strong practice can come in many forms, another session, perhaps more than you have ever done…

Little flowers and little goats.

There are little flowers and little butterflies, little dogs and little goats. But this does not mean they are any less. As they say a little goes a long way. And sometimes the size of our practice matters little, a…

Yoga and enlightenment.

From the first strong asana that opens your body and stretches and relaxed your nerves, you can feel there was something worth searching for. And when the breath is watched and integrated into a series of movements, the generator is…