Category Taichi

Nothingness in Wuji

The white cockatoo departs from a branch with confidence, its yellow-tinged feathers visible as it spreads its wings in flight. Often, the bird appears unconcerned with its destination while airborne, yet it must quickly gather strong intention to avoid branches…

Personal Tai Chi Principles

There is no end to Tai Chi, and the knowledge of each person who has practiced Tai Chi, differs from that of any other.Tai Chi celebrates diversity among practitioners, acknowledging each individual’s unique approach to the practice. While expressions of…

Yawning breath.

Is inviting. So inviting that just the very idea of it can make us want to open our jaw, close our eyes stretch the face, feel that moment before a yawn, and then get rid of something. The stillness is…

Stomp your foot and sink into it.

As a person who practices tai chi you may have the ability to be a good listener. Not just to others and theoutside. But also listening within the body. And as the body moves there is an opportunity to listen…

Snakes and ladders

In Taiji sometimes because of the accuracy and self-analysis involved it is easy to think that your practice is either correct or incorrect. There is good reason to think that a dualistic thought process is the way. In modern society,…

The importance of the silver lining.

The rising sun shoots golden rays directly to us. From the source that gives us life, provides beauty, we see big sunrises of enriching clouds drifting, and vast sunset of cloudless skies. Each one is different for the subtlety. Each…

At the end of the day.

This phrase has lost its relevance and power because it has become a boring cliché. In Tai chi, it is important that your practice doesn’t fit in with “at the end of the day”, a boring repetition that does not…

With Taichi

A thing is true with the embodiment of the pose, being aware of the waves and changes, firstly within the body, controlling; relaxation and concentration., expansion and contraction, feeling the body going from hard to soft with waves traveling from…

Short-form, long-form, fast form.

Do you really have to put all that work in to learn all the forms, to understand all the intricacies? Isn’t there a pill or a program to download like Neo in the Matrix? Although it may seem ideal, whenever…