Category Taichi

Don’t be a stick in the mud

Cause it is really quite stuck. New opportunities, new processes, new information are available with perseverance. It takes perseverance to get unstuck or to remove a stick from the mud. In Taiji when sinking, really sink, as if trying to…

Tai chi will energise your health.

Tai chi or Taiji, does this by improving blood, breath, and lymph circulation. And the flow of Qi. All these things build your immune system, to prevent illness. Tai chi is also a good system of self-protection, giving you the…

That is Taiji

Concentrate, contract and relax. this is Taiji. Stand and just push into the floor, lean into one side, feel the pressure on that part of the body with ones foot or the buttox but this pressure is not on the…

Subtle awareness of the breath

In the Tai Chi form, being aware of the body’s movements and combining them with the breath creates a seamless transition from one posture to the next. While the breath doesn’t need to dominate the Taiji form, similar to yoga,…

The Taiji movement

When done with concentration, Taiji can focus on many things: the body, mind, forces, and more. There is a connection and overlapping flow of information, such as muscle control through alignment and familiarity, which works with the forces that move…

patrick ryan tai chi teacher


The Taiji or Tai Chi movement, when practiced with concentration, can have a profound impact on various aspects such as the body, mind, and forces at play. Many esteemed practitioners have shared their knowledge and dedicated countless hours to exploring…