Do you practice Yoga?

Yoga classes often invite comparison, whether with fellow students, teachers, or even oneself. During these moments, the mind can become a demanding master. It’s wiser to let the breath guide the mind, anchoring you in the present moment. Remember, being a yogi isn’t about sporting the most expensive or fashionable athletic gear; it’s about going beyond such comparisons.

There’s truly no reason to feel anything other than perfect. Yoga isn’t a competition to conquer; it’s an exploration of surrender, acceptance, receptivity, and the strength that comes from embracing these qualities. Through the fusion of breath, body movement, and mind, we find intimacy with life, the harmonious merging of opposites, and the elusive balance that concludes the relentless pursuit for external validation. Recognize and accept that you embody the power of the cosmos.

Now, let’s weave a simple breathing exercise into this narrative. Find a comfortable position. Inhale deeply through your nose, incorporating Ujjayi breath at the back of your throat. Notice the pause before exhaling slowly. As you inhale, embrace the knowledge that you are the power of the cosmos. With each exhale, let go of the thought of competitive yoga. Repeat this cycle for a few breaths. Just be present with your breath.

At its essence, Yoga is a graceful dance of surrender, acceptance, and receptive strength. It’s an art that recognizes the breath as the guiding thread connecting you to the present moment through the heart center. In this connection, discover the true intimacy with life, the unity of opposites, and the gentle equilibrium that puts an end to the ceaseless quest for external validation. Embrace the profound truth that you are, indeed, the power of the cosmos.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 141

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