Upside-down, back to front, limbs intertwined, holding poses until they hurt.
If that’s what you do then, I am happy for you. If the breath is there, I’m even happier for you. If you are going where you want to go I’m still happy. If you are doing it as your expression of who you are and not trying to be someone who you are not, then seriously good for you!
But if your asana is out to impress like “look at me” or if there is no consideration of bandha and there is struggle or pain, then, meh.
The breath and heart center and relaxation are imperative to Yoga poses
What does my body need? Not what beautiful shapes can I make. Yep there is effort, make it safely.
Bodies vary in flexibility.
A simple variation of the full pose will allow you to feel the benefit of the asana and you can work from there to tie yourself in knots if that’s where you want to put your effort in.