How to do Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

Seated Twist, known in yoga as Ardha Matsyendrasana, is a venerable asana deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of yoga. The pose pays homage to Matsyendra Natha, a legendary yogi and one of the founding figures of Hatha Yoga. Ardha Matsyendrasana translates to “Half Lord of the Fishes Pose,” with its origin embedded in the mythical narrative of Matsyendra, who is believed to have received divine teachings while being transformed into a fish.

As practitioners embark on the journey of this seated twist, they step into a pose that not only embraces the physical benefits of spinal flexibility and digestive stimulation but also embodies the spiritual essence of yoga. Seated Twist invites individuals to honor the wisdom and grace of ancient yogic teachings, connecting the physical postures to the profound philosophy that guides the path to self-discovery and holistic well-being.

How to do Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana) Step-by-Step

  • Begin in a comfortable seated position on your yoga mat with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your right knee and place the sole of your right foot on the outside of your left thigh, bringing the heel close to your left hip.
  • Ensure both sitting bones are firmly grounded on the mat.
  • Inhale and lengthen your spine, sitting up tall.
  • Bring your left elbow to the outside of your right knee, placing your left hand on the floor behind you for support.
  • Exhale as you twist to the right, using the contact between your elbow and knee to deepen the rotation.
  • Turn your head and neck to the right, looking over your right shoulder.
  • Engage your core muscles to support the twist, and keep your spine lengthened.
  • Hold the twist for 3-5 breaths or longer, maintaining the integrity of the posture.
  • Breathe deeply and steadily, inhaling to lengthen the spine and exhaling to deepen the twist.
  • Inhale to release the twist, returning to the center.
  • Repeat the sequence on the other side by bending your left knee and twisting to the left.


  • Seated Twist increases spinal flexibility.
  • It stimulates the digestive organs, aiding in digestion.
  • This pose is known for relieving tension in the back and hips.
  • The twist helps in detoxifying the body by massaging the internal organs.


  • Avoid forcing the twist; let it come naturally with each exhale.
  • If you have any recent or chronic back injuries, perform this pose under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.
  • Listen to your body, and if you feel any discomfort or pain, ease out of the pose and seek guidance if necessary.


  • If sitting directly on the floor is challenging, sit on a blanket or cushion for added height.
  • For a gentler version, you can hug your knee with the opposite arm instead of reaching around it.
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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 141

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