A dear friend of mine is a great cook. Combining the right vegetables and spices at the right time often according to the recipe. She uses cashews instead of peanuts in the pesto she makes, a great substitute because it gives a creamy nutty flavor and works out cheaper, add the basil, salt, pepper, garlic and parmesan om nom nom.
This post is not about pesto recipes, it is about doing what works for you. And as basil is the common denominator for pesto, the breath and movement are the common denominators for life’s activities.
Yoga classes are rarely ideal for you and your body type. But coming together as a group, the experience of a good teacher are just a couple of factors that keep you attending class. Yoga needs to be truly personalised because we are all individuals.
Substitute the parts of your asana practice that cause disturbance, create drama, or are simply not right and safe for you with breathing and movement that is right for you. If you want pesto make pesto, if you want yoga do the Yoga. And doing Yoga your way makes it more incredible.
If you have a personal practice of moving and breathing and it incorporates the principles passed down by Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, your practice will give intimacy to your life,
Sometimes when you substitute, it is the genuine article.