The Harmony of Brahmana and Langhana Practices

The Brahmana and Langhana practices in asana and pranayama represent distinctive approaches to the breath, each carrying its unique qualities and effects on our physical, energetic, and mental state.

Brahmana, characterized by longer inhalation and retention after inhalation, serves as an invigorating and energizing practice. The extended inhalation draws in a substantial amount of life force or prana, infusing the body with revitalizing energy. The subsequent retention allows for the absorption and distribution of this vital energy throughout the system, promoting a heightened state of alertness and vitality. Brahmana breathwork is akin to inhaling the pure essence of life, awakening and enlivening us on a physical, mental, and energetic level. And breath does not necessarily need to be exaggerated.

Conversely, the Langhana practice places emphasis on being with and extending the exhalation and retention after exhalation, creating a calming and grounding effect. By extending the exhalation, practitioners release stagnant energy and tension, promoting a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

The retention following exhalation allows for a gentle pause, creating a serene stillness that encourages mental clarity and a deep sense of calmness. Langhana breath is like a long, gentle exhale, facilitating a release of stress and a state of peaceful repose; it just happens. Or exaggerate the breath to give it a nudge.

Together, they balance the body, mind, and breath, offering us the flexibility to either energize or calm our being based on our specific needs. Incorporating both Brahmana and Langhana into our yoga practice allows us to cultivate a harmonious balance between invigoration and relaxation, enhancing overall well-being by putting us in the middle of a dynamic equilibrium, in the flow of life.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 141

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