The heart can keep us going

Something makes us start. The starter’s gun, the bell, a slammed door, a feeling, a vision, an epiphany, self talk, or other’s talk.

Sometimes, it is planned other times, It takes us by surprise. What makes us start is maybe an external force or some internal dialogue. And when we do start, it generally is not always easy to keep going, with that initial fervor.

The breath can be great to help us past those hurdles, and doubts, because most of the time it is not the body that gives up first, but the mind.

The breath can be an excellent bridge to join body and mind, to give you the energy to keep your practice consistent and fulfilling.

Going to the heart centre, just left, near the centre of the chest gives that even more power especially after moving and breathing, as the breath.

Your heart centre is often the best guidance you can get.

People who have experienced your challenge are also a great place to help you move through that task and the original source is often the best, the most juicy and intimate, and many of the original teachers talk about the great importance of connecting to heart centre.

So, smile, and be comfortable, giving yourself the mindset of being relaxed and energised. Allow your intimate awareness to go to the heart centre. Inhale, the chest expands.

Then exhale, the belly comes in a little.

Continue with the intimate awareness in the heart by just riding the breath.

A few more and notice the pauses between, the inhalation and the exhalation.

Attention into the heart centre.

Smile. Extend the exhalation.

At the bottom of the exhalation, exhale more.

Let the inhalation come naturally.

Smile. Keep going.

Take your intimate awareness to your heart centre.

Allow for that intimate awareness to always be there, no need to place it there, that intimate connection is always there as you.


Listen deeply.

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 171

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