Yawning breath.

Is inviting. So inviting that just the very idea of it can make us want to open our jaw, close our eyes stretch the face, feel that moment before a yawn, and then get rid of something.

The stillness is in a yawn you empty and in there is now. And a good yawn stretches the lungs eardrums and throat. And helps tissue with brain function.

And as we all know a good yawn is contagious, so we can do it with friends.

Yawning is a great thing before and after sleep and has the beautiful om subtly in the sound of aum, with a stretch of the arms to enliven the lymph. No wonder we have been doing it since forever.

For Tai chi, embody your next yawn let the body get organised around the action of yawning, and at the end of the yawn let your open hands extend in front of you and feel the subtle expansion and that intimacy of the joints expanding

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Patrick Ryan
Patrick Ryan

20 years of practicing Yoga, Taiji and Body Awareness exercises will have given me something of the art to pass on to you. I will help you transform your life with these ancient practices.

Articles: 141

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